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Automatic laser welding machine and SHS welding technology

Automatic laser welding machine and SHS welding technology, laser welding is to have excellent direction, high brightness, high strength, high monochrome, high coherence and other characteristics of the laser beam radiation to the workpiece surface area, the laser beam through After the optical system is focused, the power density of the laser focal point is 104-107W / cm2, and the interaction between the laser and the soldering material is used to form a highly concentrated heat source area in a very short time. The solder area melts and cools the crystals to form a firm solder joint and weld.

According to the different lasers and their working methods, there are two commonly used laser welding methods, one is pulsed laser welding, mainly for single point fixed continuous and book material welding, welding to form a circular solder joint; The other for continuous laser welding, mainly for large pieces of welding and cutting, welding process to form a continuous weld. In general, the choice of welding materials, laser welding machine selection, the choice of processing table, is the main factor affecting the laser welding effect. For the welding process can produce and produce the degree of strength is mainly depends on the laser surface of the material, power density and peak power, the control of the above parameters can use the laser for a variety of different welding processing.

Automatic laser welding machine in the laser welding, the beam focus position is one of the most critical control process parameters, in a certain laser power and welding speed, only the focus in the best position to get the maximum depth and good weld shape.

In general, SHS welding has three processes: ignition, pressurization, insulation. There are many ways of ignition, such as arc, spark, flame, high current, high temperature furnace, electron beam, laser, high temperature radiation and microwave, chemical furnace and so on. Pressure size and pressure time is the key to welding success. SHS synthetic materials, if not pressurized, due to the material itself, the pores and the gas generated in the reaction, will lead to a large number of pores. It is not permissible to leave the reactants in the weld and therefore must be densified. The usual method is to pressurize during the reaction. Simple pressurization may not get high density and should be kept at the same time.
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