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National free service hotline:4008-646-898
Add:Jin Xiao Tong Wan Village Road, No.170 Hui Hong Industrial Zone A, 2nd Floor, Fenggang town Dongguan City
Contact:Mr.Tu 13632205868
Tel:Zhaoqing Office:Mr. Tan: 13169518998
Add:Jinli Town, Zhaoqing City Jinsheng Industrial Zone vigorously Hardware City
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Dongguan zx laser Technology Co., Ltd.
National free hotline:4008-646-898    Tel:+86-769-82195766
E-mail:dgzxlaser@163.com Fax:+86-769-82195776
Add:Jin Xiao Tong Wan Village Road, No.170 Hui Hong Industrial Zone A, 2nd Floor, Fenggang town Dongguan City [Admin]