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Welding Application and Difficulty Analysis of Fiber Laser Welding Machine on Power Battery

Highly efficient laser welding can greatly improve the safety of automotive power batteries, reliability and service life, will be the future of automotive power technology to bring revolutionary progress. Power battery laser welding parts, there are pressure and leakage test requirements, the majority of materials for the aluminum, so the welding is difficult, the welding process requirements higher. In general, the power battery shell welding mainly for the side welding and top welding two ways, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and aluminum battery because of its material specificity, prone to bulge, pores, fraud or other issues , Square battery welding at the corner prone to problems.

Power battery welding process difficult

General shell thickness are required to reach 1.0 mm below the mainstream manufacturers currently based on the battery capacity of different shell material thickness to 0.6mm and 0.8mm two mainly. Welding method is divided into side welding and top welding, in which the main advantage of side welding is less impact on the internal battery, splash will not easily into the shell inside. Due to welding may lead to bulging, which will follow the process of assembly will be slightly affected, so the side of the welding process on the stability of the laser, the cleanliness of the material and the cover and the shell with a high gap between the requirements. The top welding process due to welding in a face, you can use more efficient galvanometer scanning welding, but the former process into the shell and positioning requirements are high, high automation requirements of the equipment.

Aluminum battery power welding difficult

At present, aluminum batteries account for more than 90% of the total power battery. Aluminum laser welding is more difficult, will face welding surface protrusion problems, stomatal problems, fire problems, internal bubble problems. Surface bulge, stomata, internal bubbles are laser welding fatal injuries, many applications have to stop or think of ways to circumvent these reasons. A lot of battery manufacturers in the early stages of research and development will be a big headache, the reason, the main use of the fiber core is too small or laser energy set too high due. (Also known as splash, Splash) is also a lot of factors, such as the cleanliness of the material, the purity of the material itself, the characteristics of the material itself, and play a decisive role is the stability of the laser. In the power battery welding, the welding process technician will choose the appropriate laser and welding process parameters according to the customer's battery material, shape, thickness, tension requirements, including welding speed, waveform, peak, welding head tilt angle to set a reasonable Welding process parameters to ensure that the final welding effect to meet the requirements of power battery manufacturers

Square power battery welding difficult

Square battery due to the accuracy of incoming and other factors, welding corner of the most prone to problems, need to continue to explore in accordance with the actual situation, adjust the welding speed can solve such problems. The round battery does not have this problem, but the subsequent integration into the battery module is more difficult.
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