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Han's laser sells IPG equity cash cash

In the central parity of the renminbi, the central parity of the RMB against the US dollar has hit a record high five times in October. Compared with the beginning of the year, the appreciation of the renminbi has reached 2.4%. The Bank of International Exchange (BIS) recently released September real effective exchange rate data also indirectly predict the above trend. Data show that in September the real effective exchange rate index for the RMB 117.4, up 0.3 from last month, after a brief fall in August, once again rose and a record high.

According to Han's Laser 2012 annual report shows that the company's foreign business entities major statements of the project converted exchange rate shows December 31, 2012: 100 US dollars = 628.55 yuan. According to the Hong Kong Treasury Association released data show that November 1 US dollar / RMB (Hong Kong) spot exchange rate fixed price of 6.0874 / 97, that is 100 US dollars ≈ 608.74 yuan. It can be seen that Han's laser holds 64.22 million shares of IPG shares in the past 10 months (book value at the end of 2012 is 266 million yuan) even if the IPG price does not fall, the carrying amount of RMB has been depreciated 8479199.92 yuan. On the contrary, if the 266 million yuan into the bank on a regular basis for 1 year the interest can be as high as about 8.87 million yuan.
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